
About us

Ritkonsult started in the mid-90s as an IT company. We have worked with IT support and web production and that lead us to evacuation plans. One of our clients was a fire protection company who asked if we could also draw evacuation plans and of course we could. Nowadays, we have chosen to focus entirely on various drawing and picture services. Since 2009, we also sell picture frames at

In terms of evacuation plans and Systematic Fire Protection Work, we primarily work together with various fire protection companies.

Today, we are Sweden’s largest supplier of evacuation plans and we now have offices in Uddevalla, Värnamo and Trollhättan.

Ritkonsult has a clear business idea

We shall be better than our competitors in all areas.

  • We have the fastest delivery time.
  • Draw with the best quality.
  • Offers the widest range of services.
  • Always have the lowest price.

Hans Jonasson
CEO Ritkonsult AB

Hans Jonasson